Processor | Core/Threads | RAM | Storage | Bandwidth | Monthly Price | |
Intel Gold 6134 - 3.2 GHz | 8 cores / 16 threads | 64 GB | 2x960GB NVMe | 10TB / 1Gbps | ₹10,500 | Visit Store |
Intel Gold 6142 - 2.6 GHz | 16 cores / 32 threads | 128 GB | 2x960GB NVMe | 10TB / 1Gbps | ₹12,500 | Visit Store |
Intel Gold Dual 6142 - 2.6 GHz | 32 cores / 64 threads | 128 GB | 2x1.92TB NVMe | 10TB / 1Gbps | ₹16,500 | Visit Store |
Talk to us to find out how we can help you achieve your IT objectives with the utmost security and peace of mind :
You will get unmetered bandwidth in your managed dedicated server.
Yes, both are the same thing.
Yes, server co-location availabel with BTRACK INDIA PVT. LTD. check out the plans for server co-location with our sales team.
Our stock servers are generally installed within an hour from the point of order. Some software options can increase this installation time. Bespoke servers are installed within 10 working days as we will need to order the hardware from our Suppliers.
You can contact with our Pre sales for a dedicated server you can share your requirement with our Pre sales team and customize your own dedicated server at low cost. You can also select the location of dedicated server.
Security analysis and reporting, fully managed backups, 24/7/365 engineer support, fully redundant power and networking
You’ll buy any number of IP's in your managed dedicated server as per requirement
Hardware changes can be made at any time to any of our servers.Change may affect your setup and monthly recurring charges